Dealers Helping Dealers Discussion Groups

BTA has set up five BTA member dealer discussion groups — three for owners and senior management, one for sales managers and one for service managers — for the purpose of addressing strategies for optimizing sales. The groups meet regularly via Zoom.
Are you interested in joining one of these groups? If so, email BTA Executive Director Brent Hoskins at
Here's what members are saying about the discussion groups:
"I'm brand new to this discussion group and I've been looking for this exact forum since I bought my dealership 20 years ago ... This is everything I need to stimulate new ideas and reinforce that we are having the same issues as other dealers. It's made me look in the mirror to see if I need to make some changes. It's great. I never want to miss these Zoom meetings."
Dennis McGalliard, president, Western Business Products, Redding, California
"The Dealers Helping Dealers calls offered through BTA have been great added support. It is great to both hear and share strategies for these challenging times."
Earl Philpot, president, Precision Duplicating Solutions Inc., London, Kentucky
"BTA's Dealers Helping Dealers Discussion Group is a great peer-to-peer platform to share ideas and best practices. As we all are faced with new challenges this year, it is more important than ever to work together and leverage the group's talent and expertise. It's always time well spent."
Thomas Fimian, CEO, Docugraphics LLC, Charleston, South Carolina
"I have found the Dealers Helping Dealers Discussion Group to be extremely valuable to discuss challenges and opportunities with other dealership principals and senior managers. In our day-to-day business we don't often have the opportunity to bounce ideas off of other business leaders and definitely don't want to share too much with competitors. Thanks again for providing this venue for us."
Dean Woroniecki, president, Affordable Business Systems, Delmar, Maryland
"I would like to thank BTA for the Dealers Helping Dealers initiative. This has given all the participants priceless insights into different ideas and perspectives to not only navigate our way through this unusual time, but to improve our businesses in many ways we would never have thought of."
Tim Renegar, president, Kelly Office Solutions, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
"BTA has done an excellent job connecting dealers to discuss both issues and things that are working in today's current business climate. It is well worth my time. I pick up something from every call. I highly recommend other members attend."
Bob Evans, partner, Function4, Sugar Land, Texas
"The Dealers Helping Dealers Discussion Group has provided a wonderful opportunity to talk to fellow dealerships around the country and give a sense of comfort and strength that we are all fighting the same battles during this pandemic. In addition, it has allowed us to learn new ideas and share ours with fellow dealers to help each other in our continued success. Finally, this is a small example — among many — of why a BTA membership is valuable and worth every penny of the small investment. Kudos to BTA in going the extra mile. Well done!"
Adam Gregory, president, Advanced Business Solutions LLC, St. Augustine, Florida
"From the start of the group meetings we have been in, we have been able to understand how the pandemic has affected dealers throughout the country. Dealers have provided many great ideas that could be implemented, providing direction and support. Brent does a wonderful job guiding the discussion with polling questions and engaging dealers as to the results of those poll questions. It is truly a dealers-supporting-dealers forum. If you are not currently in one of the groups, I would contact Brent quickly."
DJ Hastings, president, Hogland Office Equipment, Lubbock, Texas
"I find the Dealers Helping Dealers Discussion Group a very good use of my time. It is great to hear what others are experiencing in different areas of the country and about new lines of business fellow dealers are exploring as a result of the pandemic. I am a part of other groups, but being part of one with peers in my same industry is invaluable."
Rob Richardson, owner/founder, Allied Document Solutions & Services Inc., Swedesboro, New Jersey
"The Dealers Helping Dealers Discussion Group has been one of the best resources for me during the pandemic and greatly assists in many of my decisions through this uncertain time."
Mike McCurdy, president, Integrated Technologies Inc., Twin Falls, Idaho
"I feel that these discussions have been very valuable. In regular day-to-day operations, much less in the midst of COVID-19, it is very easy to get a narrow mindset around the daily issues in our business, but these group calls have been a great opportunity to hear open discussions about everyone's similar and different situations. Plus, it has been a good resource to hear about other non-pandemic-related challenges and success stories. I appreciate BTA's coordination and my fellow dealers' participation."
Matt Nix, manager, Duplicating Products Inc., Gainesville, Georgia
"Participating in this group is very helpful in order to take a pulse of how other dealers are doing and coping with what is going on — not in just my market, but around the country. The group provides great information on what is upcoming or diminishing in order to stay ahead in the world of technology. The most effective takeaway is that the group discussions are about true struggles and/or solutions in the ever-changing market of technology. They are conversations on ideas and advice on how to find workarounds/solutions."
Nicole Morgan, vice president of sales, MOEbiz, Monroe, Louisiana
"I joined the Dealers Helping Dealers Discussion Group to help CopyPro manage the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. What I found was even better. I have developed relationships with non-competing dealers who make a positive difference beyond the effects of the pandemic. We have been able to work together across boundaries and with integrity to help each other improve our dealerships. Thank you BTA and those who have participated. If you aren't on the calls, you need to join!"
Debra Dennis, vice president of support services, CopyPro Inc., Greenville, North Carolina
"We have participated in many peer groups over the years and the good ones challenge our company's assumptions and have broadened our perspectives on our industry. In light of this pandemic year and the challenges we all continue to face, the BTA Dealers Helping Dealers Discussion Group we are a part of has done this for us when we have needed it most. I'm grateful to be a part of this group and for the challenges and support that the other contributing members pour into each meeting. This has certainly been an area where the virtual-style meeting format has brought new value."
Stephen Carlisle, CEO, Business World, Little Rock, Arkansas
"I look forward to the Dealers Helping Dealers Discussion Group meetings. There is almost always something of value and, often, a good laugh."
Robert Moore, owner, Lockwood Moore Inc., Reno, Nevada
"As we face uncertainty, often it is the strength of the relationships that we surround ourselves with that can be the difference between surviving and thriving. To that end, the Dealers Helping Dealers Discussion Group sessions have been insightful and thought provoking. With the information exchanged during these sessions, my leadership team and I have confidently navigated the many changes that we have implemented as a result of COVID-19's impact on our global economy and our industry. I am grateful to BTA and Brent Hoskins for offering and moderating these sessions, and I look forward to continuing to grow as a result of them."
David Polimeni, CEO, RITE Technology, Sarasota, Florida